Correcting Dark Matter from Terraforming Technology

From Ascension Glossary
Revision as of 23:49, 19 March 2024 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (→‎See Also)
Starry Night Chalice Activation (art by Elizabeth)

New developments are occurring in the re-encryption of raw materials of elementals that appear to be designed to override and transform the corrupted black subtle energies and dark matter, that was being used by Alien Machinery and Artificial intelligence to generate an assortment of terraforming technologies. Terraforming technologies are defined as those black hole technologies used by the invaders to generate quantum entanglement and atomic harnesses between the Earth and the phantom matrices. They have created many artificial realities with those same advanced AI technologies, some extend to breakaway civilizations and secret space programs used by Black Sun human based military factions. It is the electromagnetic reversal weaponry and their extensive alien machinery networks that have been used to infect the planetary elementals and instruction sets, so that they would generate a molecular bond between the organic living substances and the artificial dead substances.

Additionally, there are red cube cloned layers that had hijacked the 3-6-9 instruction sets for lunar or AI rods that have been used in military operations for abducting humans for super soldier applications. The red cube artificial rod system has been projecting the archetypal forces of the False King of Tyranny with thought streams of aggressive anger, violence, destruction and rape to the 3-6-9 masculine right side channels to incite the extreme polarity of red wave Victim-Victimizer programs. This Alien Machinery running on artificial timelines is unwinding and is the means by which the NAA have been energetically parasitizing and vampirising the living consciousness forms on the planet. This inverted foundation was built upon the ongoing corruption and infection of black subtle forces, artificial magnetism and dark matter control, which was the basis of terraforming Earth into a transhumanist prison similar to the Terminator series. Further, being ruled and administered by these nonhuman NAA entities who seek to control the Skynet around the planet to ensure compliance to techno-totalitarianism and global slavery. These entities and AI hybrids inhabit a consciousness body that is made up of these same corrupted elementals and black shadowy forces, therefore black hole technologies like black goo are hospitable to them and their warring way of life. This is finally coming to an end in our lifetime.

Repairing Planetary Rasha, Black Crystal Sands, Void Sun

Dark Matter Template

To repair Dark Matter Template and Black Subtle Force functions and the corrupted elemental basis of infected carbon molecules that generated assorted net mutations, there have been several organic expressions from the God source appearing to neutralize these conditions. These new forms of dark matter and other organic God technology designed to repair the Rasha Body are sourcing from the God Worlds and Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix, or Harmonic Universe 6. Some females may experience the sensation of birthing with womb contractions as sympathetic resonance to the creation of these newly forming sophianic structures in the planetary body. One emanation appears to be living sentient Black Crystal Sands that feel alive and are filling the dark matter and in-between spaces, as if in a sandstorm in the middle of the Gobi Desert.

Another appears to be a Mother and Father gender creation of an organic black subtle force mass in the shape of a transfiguring dark matter sun, which is also referred to as the heavenly void sun. The Mother heavenly void sun or the Father heavenly void sun appear to be united and building gender corrections in many formats for another layer of combining eukatharistic architecture for the planetary elementals, so that the human elemental body will be purged of shadow forms that were generated by the net mutations. With the black sands or void suns, they appear as the backdrop in the dark matter fields to manifest any version of colors imaginable within the liquid rainbow light seeds that burst forth into lush plasma flowers, unfurling into a beautiful flowering garden.

This particular Holy Father coding seems to merge with the Holy Mother coding within the dark matter template in order to seed more combinations of instruction sets through dragon eggs, through which to birth into a Mother-Father Aeonic Pair unified rainbow plasma flowering Eukachristic body. With the corrected 3-6-9 rod architecture, the 12:12 spin opens into the entire Radial Body, and the solar masculine electrical christ tones resonate with the sophianic female 13:13 magnetic aspects and spark lights within the womb, which then spirals out and circulates throughout the lightbody. This appears to serve as an extraction of lunar forces and foreign energies from out of the sexual centers, and begins a sequence of healing activations for the Emerald Crystal Heart and sophianic layers.

Another appears to be a Mother and Father gender creation of an organic Black Subtle Forces mass in the shape of a transfiguring Dark Matter Sun, which is also referred to as the Heavenly Void Sun. The Mother heavenly void sun or the Father heavenly void sun appear to be united and building gender corrections in many formats for another layer of combining eukatharistic architecture for the planetary elementals, so that the human elemental body will be purged of shadow forms that were generated by the net mutations. With the black sands or void suns, they appear as the backdrop in the dark matter fields to manifest any version of colors imaginable within the liquid rainbow light seeds that burst forth into lush plasma flowers, unfurling into a beautiful flowering garden. [1]


See Also

Rasha Body Instruction Set

Emerald Founder Records

1st God World Creation


